
Being a position of such great power and influence, the American Presidency has often acted as an ideal site for dispute and controversies. Actions of American Presidents have often elicited public discourse and criticism for personal misbehavior and political improprieties. These incidents happen quite often and they influence elections, shift the outcomes and even trigger … Read more

Hidden in the rock of Cappadocia, Turkey, you will find Derinkuyu – an underground city that demonstrates human creativity. This complex urban infrastructure that was accidentally found during the construction work is one of the largest and located at a substantially great depth and has lots of mysteries still concealed from the surface population. Besides … Read more

In the echelons of society, men, unlike women, have always received the recognition they deserve. Often, women are never mentioned – due to the misogynistic nature of history writers. Unknown to most, women are the authors of history and have done remarkable things that have plunged the world forward. For example, Rosa Parks pioneered the … Read more

Sound is a huge part of our life, and its magic can be found in the acoustic anomalies present all over the world, just waiting to be discovered. Acoustic anomalies can be fascinating and sometimes a bit spooky. They serve as a reminder that there is still much to discover about the fascinating world of … Read more

Most people have a feeble perception of art; the mere thought of someone splashing colossal amounts on it baffles them. Individuals in the upper echelon of society love amassing art by various painters, such as Picasso, Da Vinci, and Monet. In the art world, there is a thin line between arrogance and luxury, mirrored by … Read more

Have you ever wondered what mysteries lie beneath your feet? These mysteries include caves, the dark and silent realms of unique ecosystems that lie beneath Earth’s surface. Here in this article, let us look at the top 10 longest caves in the world. Caves have a long and fascinating relationship with humans. At some time … Read more

The world is a vast and diverse place full of dark tourism spots, and its place names reflect a rich tapestry of history, culture, and sometimes, a rather morbid fascination. Venture with us on a journey through ten locations around the globe that have names that send shivers down the spine, pique curiosity, and whisper … Read more

Since the moment native Africans were made to set foot on American soil, albeit forcefully, they had unknowingly become a crucial and inseparable part of the US history. To highlight the contributions of African-Americans to American history, historian Carter G. Woodson had proposed the idea of celebrating the second week of every February as Black … Read more